I'm not entirely sure where to start, but I'll list some of my biggest frustrations with iPhone. I already knew some of these things going in, but I did not consider that in my day-to-day use it would all add up to one big fail.
My iPhone SE's 4.7" screen is usable, but it's too small for my needs. So my plan was to move to the iPhone 12 for a larger screen size. However, in doing so I would lose Touch ID (fingerprint reader). This is a really big bone of contention for me, as I really want and need Touch ID. I don't want Face ID, as it will not meet my needs.
Also, Apple's determination to keep the Lightning cable in iPhone 12 (instead of moving to USB-C) did not help their case, at least not with me. I thought maybe I could adjust to the iPhone 12 regardless, but the more I use iOS, the more I realize it would be a tragic mistake. Here's some of the issues I have encountered:
1. I thought I could get used to it, but I'm frustrated at my inability to customize my home screen.
2. I managed to install my custom ringtones that I created with Audacity, but it was a LOT of effort for each individual ringtone. I have no desire to constantly use the work-around to manage my ringtones. Regardless, Apple absolutely limits my ringtones to 30 seconds, to include my 1-minute long alarms. * sigh *
3. I heavily use my smartphone for music, especially on my Harley. It is easy to manage music on an Android phone, but difficult with iOS. My only option is to install iTunes on my computer, transfer my music to iTunes, and then transfer it to my iPhone. If I want to edit, add or remove a song, I must do it though iTunes. * sigh * again. I cannot wait to remove iTunes from my computers and put it in the trash where it belongs.
4. Managing photos on an Android phone is easy. I can add, delete, rename, etc., through the USB port. It is not easy on an iPhone. In fact, Apple seems to have purposely made it hard or outright impossible. For example, I cannot use my computer to delete a photo from my iPhone through the Lightning port without installing special software on my PC. I refuse to install any more bloated Apple software on my PC.
5. While riding cross country on my Harley, I was using my iPhone's GPS. However, I began getting an error message (that would sporadically come and go) atop the GPS, which would then override and gray out my map. Trying to read the message while I was going down the road was nearly impossible, and I could not make the message go away since I was wearing gloves. If the message stayed on longer than 2 minutes, it would turn off my screen. I could only restart my screen by pulling over, taking off my gloves, etc. It took a very long time (the next day) to finally figure out that Apple did not approve of my 12-volt charger. Thankfully my spare charger solved the problem. I cannot sufficiently stress how aggravating this was. The completely useless message was "This accessory may not be supported".
6. I'm pissed that I cannot use Firefox Beta because I'm not an Apple-approved beta tester. Why? It's my frickin' phone and I paid for it! I thought I could get used to Safari, but the more I use it the more I can't stand it.
7. The camera's insistence to override my 16:9 setting back to 4:3 is maddening. I'm also sick and tired of Apple's determination that I will use Live Photo, whether I like it or not. Hint: I don't. I really, really don't. Changing the settings to not use Live Photo apparently doesn't matter.
8. I heavily depend on various Google apps, which Apple likes to hobble or limit their effectiveness.
9. Apple will not allow me to have speed dial. Period. I loved speed dial on my Android phone, but Apple has determined that the "better" way is to use favorite contacts instead. I hate this method. Seriously, why can't I have speed dial? How does me having speed dial hurt Apple?
10. I can't customize the notifications ringtone. Nobody can. So when you are in a room full of iPhones, good luck trying to figure out whose phone just went off. Way to go, Apple.
There are other frustrations, but I'll stop here. As I said, when you put it all together it turns into a big show stopper.
I wanted iOS to work for me, but looks like I'm going to remain on Android for the foreseeable future. I considered running out to Costco today to buy any Android phone to hold me over, but I guess I'll suffer until I get back home.