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ASUS QoS Setting

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I recall somewhere you mentioning that adjusting QoS on your router helped with your Netflix usage. Have you had any more issues?

No, not with Netflix. The QoS settings seem to have solved that problem.
My newest issue, I think, is the result of a SONY TV software update. Frequently now when I turn on the TV it's as if it has been rebooted and goes through the startup process, after that all seems fine.

Well, that sucks. Have you researched for issues with that update? Hopefully another fix is on its way soon.

No I haven't started to tackle this issue yet.  Trying to get anything from SONY is a useless effort. But maybe google........

Google suggests, for an earlier version TV, that this is a weak power supply in the TV, or a weak power feed.  I have the TV plugged into a multi outlet surge suppressor.  I changed the outlet for the TV yesterday.  I think it highly unlikely that the power cord itself is the problem.  I have not had the reboot symptom since. 
I will continue to monitor this....

Also last night the wi-fi issue came back but there were local reports of internet access issues so I rebooted the router, just ot be sure, and all was well.  Internet this morning is fine so we'll see tonight how this plays out.


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